Warning! You should have a good sense of humor before reading this post. ;P
Expat and the City is proud to announce that we have ‘American Cougars’ following our blog in Kuwait. They do not comment on the blog but instead check the daily blog comments for their prey (unsuspecting, young, Kuwaiti, male bloggers). They want to hunt and Expat and the City is happy to help them out. But why don't you comment on this blog sometimes? Don't make us jealous...:( I mean you visit our blog daily and we want to hear from you. Boo hoo *sniffles*
These older, confident, American women rock because they have changed the rules for women and dating for generations to come. Before only older men were the ones that could date younger women. (Not fair!) Now that has all changed and women are dating men sometimes decades younger. Thank you ladies!
I can't date anyone younger because they wouldn't be legal, and I would be in jail, looool. Since I'm in my early twenties I prefer dating men my age or maximum ten years older. Who knows what will happen when I'm older and full of Botox. I might be on the prowl for some young, fresh meat. ;P Just teasing but at least there are more options for older women and I am cheering them on.
And for my ‘American Cougar's’ living in Kuwait (you know who you are hot mamas) that hunt young, Kuwaiti guys on this blog so you can comment on their blogs and get your flirt on....Go Girls! You are a real inspiration to us baby, future Cougars. We are proud of you for changing the rules. :D Just don't break a hip! Just teasing. ;P
*** Guys, if you want to volunteer as prey, just comment here so the Cougar can hunt you down. I'm just a little Kitty *meows* so I will leave you to the professional, older women who will tear your flesh to pieces. At least you will die happy. ;P
This post was written with wacky humor and no animals were harmed during the writing of this post.