My Life Kil Sa3 Mitghayra

Change is a normal part of life but when you work abroad change is constant. When I first came to Kuwait I worked for a company called CSA, Ltd. Combat Support Associates and its principal subcontractor, CSA, Ltd., provide logistical support, training and force protection to U.S. Army troops and Allied Forces at camps located throughout Kuwait. I made a lot of good friends while I was there briefly before transferring to ITT. I left ITT and went to a better company where I remain now. Some of these friends I made along the way have become my family in Kuwait.

Almost every American working here knows that CSA will no longer exist after February 12th. The CSA contract and a few others will go to ITT KBOSSS, SAIC, Triple Canopy, etc. on February 13th. Why should I care since I no longer work for these companies? Well, only a few of my close friends will remain in Kuwait and the rest of them will go home, to Afghanistan, Qatar or U.A.E. This makes me feel really sad because no one could ever replace them.

What does this mean for Kuwait? A LOT of American contractors are going home around February 12th. Maybe the Kuwaiti's will be happy about this? I hope that Kuwaiti building owners will be forced to reduce their inflated rent prices in 'little America" (Fintas, Mahaboula, Abu Halifa, etc.) once CSA is out of the picture. There are only a few US companies / DOD who will pay what CSA did and I feel local landlords may have to charge less in the future. I know of a few buildings already (from friends looking for new apartments) where the prices were decreased.

What will happen to my beloved Egypt? A country that I had the pleasure of being in for quite some time. Will their main source of income, tourism, decrease to 50% or less? Will the country continue to be in a state of chaos which creates the perfect opportunity for an 'Iran like Revolution' to begin? I fear that this is the perfect storm where the East and West could collide and explode. I pray for the people of Egypt that God will protect them from eminent danger and destruction.

One thing that isn’t changing is the love I receive from an amazing Kuwaiti man who adores me. I cannot express in words how wonderful he is to me. I don’t know how I made it in Kuwait before I met him without his constant support and love. He is not pressuring me anymore and gave me all the time I need. He never gets mad at me now, even when I do something to him that should make him furious. He spoils me in every way and I feel like the luckiest girl in this world.

I’ve been working on a project for the past two weeks and the hours I put in are insane. When I get home I just want to fall into bed with my clothes on. The last thing I want to do is see anyone or eat. He is so worried about me and has supported me emotionally every step of the way.  He tells me I'm the most beautiful girl he has ever seen when I don't even have lip gloss on and a sandstorm has kicked my ass and ruined my hair.  He thinks my constant yawns are adorable when I can barely keep my eyes open.  

He has either delivered or sent me food every night from a different place to make sure I have something to eat. Then he brings or sends me enough food for an army. There is no point in resisting because he never takes no for an answer. With his schedule he cannot deliver the food himself every night so he either orders from a restaurant close to where he works or he uses the website 6alabat. This week I’ve had special deliveries from Casper and Gambini’s, The Kitchen (which he sent me two nights in a row because I went on and on about how delicious it was), before that was a Kuwaiti restaurant (forgot the name in English) with traditional dishes and many times from different restaurants at the Crown Plaza. He even sent food for my cleaning lady yesterday because he is so thoughtful.

The Kuwaiti restaurant ~ I'm not sure of the name in English but the local dishes were delicious.

My <3 belongs in The Kitchen!

Artichoke and Spinach dip ~ healthier version than most restaurants and so delicious.  Fahad would love it on cheat meal day.

Chicken Pot Pie ~ nice and hot on a cold winter day.  This isn't TV dinner style (which I would never eat).  You can taste the quality of vegetables and chicken in every mouthwatering bite.

I do love that he treats me like a princess but all that he does cannot compare to the man he is inside. I love him for his soul and the way he is always there for me. His lovely heart earned my love and all this material stuff doesn’t even compare to who he is and what he stands for.

So yes, life is always about change but as long as he is by my side I will be okay here in Kuwait. To my friends who will leave Kuwait, may God bless you and keep you safe.  I will never forget you and all the great times we shared together in this exotic land.  Egypt I wish you peace, prosperity and happiness. Fight the power with nonviolence and continue to love thy neighbor.

My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realising Him. ~ Mohandas Gandhi

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