Woo Hoo ~ Over 100,000 Unique Hits in 10 Months

Today I realized that ExpatandtheCity has over 100,000 unique visitor hits since this blog was started on March 7, 2010. That may not sound like a lot to the Big Whigs of the Blogger World but it's much more than I ever expected. 171 different countries have visited E&TC. The top 5 countries that view this blog are: 39.6 % from the United States, 20.1 % Kuwait, 8.7 % United Kingdom, 4.8 % Canada and 3.2 % United Arab Emirates.

The best part of having this blog is making new friends outside of work in Kuwait and around the world.  Some Americans I know complain that they are unable to mix with Kuwaitis while working on US Camps in Kuwait. They feel that they are incapable of experiencing the ‘real Kuwait’ and are trapped in 'little America' in Kuwait. Thanks to my current job and this blog, I've had the privilege to meet some of Kuwait's finest citizens and bloggers. Sometimes this is face to face or through emails and comments. Through other Kuwaiti blogs I find out what’s new in Kuwait and where to relax, eat shop and visit during my time off.

Once in a while I receive emails asking for my assistance. Readers may have questions about what it is like to live and work in Kuwait and I am always honored to assist them. I love helping people and I will never forget what it was like the first time I arrived in Kuwait as a naive, culture shocked newbie.

I want to thank my friends who have contributed to ExpatandtheCity. This is your blog too and I appreciate all of the pictures and how you shared your experiences with me. Thank you to all of the bloggers that have really supported me. It's such an honor to get to know you and follow your blogs as well. To my readers who have a special place in my heart. Your comments always brighten my day and I usually read them and respond to them while at work. I take the time to respond to every comment.  I have an intense job in Kuwait and reading your comments and responding to them keeps a smile on my face.  THANK YOU!

xoxo E&TC

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