8 Days in Kuwait

He is traveling for eight days to Europe with his Father this week.  He has to go for something important that he worked very hard for.  His Father who recently retired is really looking forward to their father and son trip together.  He keeps telling me he wants to cancel because he doesn't want to leave me alone in Kuwait. I assured him that I will be fine on my own as I was before I met him.  With my work schedule eight days should pass quickly but the truth is that I'm going to miss him like crazy.  I can’t wait until he comes back to me.

He sent me this picture yesterday from his iPhone to tease me.  He is letting me know he bought me a surprise but he isn't going to tell me what it is.  I have to wait until he gives it to me today.  He usually gives me a surprise every week and he has exquisite taste.  I always assure him that he is my gift and that he doesn't have to buy me anything.  I really mean that but of course I love that he surprises me all the time.  He is the most romantic and thoughtful man I've ever met in my life. I am so blessed that he loves me.

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