Urban Dictionary's definition of a Girlcrush:
A (normally) straight girl's crush on another girl, often a celebrity. Is mostly platonic in nature. A girl who is girlcrushing must by definition be straight, otherwise it's just a regular crush.
If I had a celebrity girl crush it would have to be Angelina Jolie. I'm totally straight but there is nothing sexier than Jolie. She is a gifted actress, stunningly beautiful and a devoted humanitarian. Frankly, she is smokin' hot.
Now, let me focus on the reason for my post. There is this beautiful Lebanese girl that I see whenever I go to an office here. She is working there as an assistant and I've seen her on several occasions. The first time we met she told me I was hot. If you do not live here then you might not realize that this is very unusual conversation for this part of the world. Sure, in the West you might say this to another girl as a compliment but here it's just not a normal part of your everyday conversation. Especially in a professional setting when you first meet.
When she said it I was taken by surprise. I think I actually turned pink with embarrassment. I was sure she was just being friendly and cute. That she didn't mean anything and it was just a compliment. She was extremely friendly, charming and we had the longest conversation. We talked about living in Kuwait, how she is from Lebanon and our love of travel. She couldn't believe that I never visited her country and I told her I would love to one day.
The next few times I saw her I was actually looking forward to it. In an innocent way so don't get the wrong idea. She just seemed so interesting and always ready to help me with my work. She made things happen that seemed impossible and we always had fun together.
This last time I saw her she asked why I never called her. We exchanged numbers the second time we met but I just never called. She wanted to meet for coffee or lunch. I told her before how much I enjoy Lebanese cuisine and she suggested this famous restaurant for lunch. I explained how busy I am and apologized. She kept complimenting me. I think I turned pink again. Loool.
On my way out of the meeting I stopped by her desk to say goodbye and that is when she told me she had a 'girl crush' on me. I started laughing. Hell, I was nervous and wasn't sure what that meant or what she meant by saying it. Instead of being completely freaked out by it I took it as a compliment. I told her I like her too and how I'm glad we are friends. She told me she was going to call me for lunch soon and I told her that would be fun. I've had girls hit on me before and it just gave me the creeps and freaked me out. I never have that feeling with her.
When I reached my office I went straight to Google and looked up 'girl crush' and found the definition by 'girlcrush' as in one word. I am extremely flattered that someone as sexy, intelligent and worldly as she would pay me such a compliment. But when I'm driving I always go straight and I can't see myself taking any turns, not even for a brief moment of curiosity. I'm guessing that she is just being sweet and that she said it in an innocent way. I plan to go to lunch with her and hopefully we will become good friends.
The New York Times article I found on the net...
She's So Cool, So Smart, So Beautiful: Must Be a Girl Crush