Whipped Cream Dream

Today I have a craving for whipped cream.  I brought my half empty can to work in my lunch cooler so I could spray a hug glob on top of my morning coffee.  I also packed fresh strawberries from the Lulu center to enjoy with my breakfast. 

To my co-workers amusement I kept spraying the can of whipped cream in my mouth while running around the office.  We have a relaxed atmosphere here in Kuwait and I didn't think it was obnoxious, office behavior.  Okay, maybe a tad trailer trash but running into Billy Bob in the elevator is starting to rub off on me.  Since I was a little girl I would grab the whipped cream can out of the fridge and spray it into my mouth.  Mom caught me more than once and she gave my little fanny a good slap or two. 

Well, hopefully nobody from work is reading this blog or I just gave myself away. At least I don't floss my teeth at my desk like a certain somebody I work with...!

What's your favorite way to eat whipped cream?

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