Fish Eyes

Whenever I'm on Camp Arifjan I usually grab lunch and visit the exchange to pick up some groceries.  One thing that I've noticed is how many American women are wearing false eyelashes to work in Kuwait.  I always thought they were for special occasions and not everyday appropriate.  Rarely do I see well applied lashes or anything close to a natural looking application.  They usually look like Rue Paul or 'street candy'.  I can see the glue from a few feet away and their eyes look irritated.  They wear the kind that stay on for a week or so and after a few days they just look jacked-up. 

The only tool I use to enhance my eyelashes is dark brown or black mascara when I go out at night or for special occasions.  Mine are naturally curly so I do not have to use an eyelash curler.  I had to wear false eyelashes a few times in the past and I didn't like the way they looked or felt.  I have large, almond shaped, blue eyes and they made me look like my eyes were bigger than my face (Fish Eyes).

The only time I have ever seen them look attractive is on celebrities walking the red carpet or on some Kuwaiti women.  Kuwaiti women have dark, lovely, doe eyes and they look beautiful when they wear natural looking makeup.  I've yet to see them look good on any American woman working on the US Camps in Kuwait.

How False Eye Lashes Can Cause More Damage Than Good for Young Girls

There are millions of women who wear false eyelashes, because they feel that are enhance their looks in some way. Nowadays it seems that this trend is being picked up by more and more young girls. They watch their favorite celebrites on television or read about their beauty secrets in a magazine and suddenly decide that it is the way for them to go. What many of these young women don't realize is that they could actually be doing a lot of damage to their eyes. In order to get the eyelashes to stay in place there is some type of chemical that gets them to stay on. This chemical when even when used properly can cause some type of reaction especially in young girls. This is according to some pediatricians who have had to treat young girls who wanted to play dress up.

Some young girls will even try to put makeup on top of the false eyelashes in order to really make them stand out. In many cases young girls have ended up getting the makeup in their eyes instead of just on the eyelash or the eyelash will fall into their eye. Besides when you're young you really don't need all of those additional items in order to make yourself look good? There are many women who feel that false eyelashes just look ridiculous on some people. The growing group of teenage girls who feels that this makes them more attractive usually gets the idea for movies or magazines. You can however help your daughter appreciate her own beauty. I spoke to some mothers who felt that their daughters just would not fully understand the dangers than tare associated with false eyelashes. They then choose to have their daughters speak to a doctor on the subject. The doctor then showed them what harm wearing false eyelashes on a daily basis can do to the eyes. Of course the pictures that they showed them were based on the long term affects of wearing false eyelashes daily for more than four hours.

Of course there is nothing wrong with wearing them once in a while for a special occasion when they are older, but they may want to think twice about wearing them when they are young.

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