After Living in Kuwait This Really Ticks Me Off When I Visit America

I wish everything was done for me in the US like it is in Kuwait

1. Pumping my own gas. WTH ~ I forgot how and there are all these confusing, new credit card machines. I don't remember my pin or zip code. The pump is a death trap for my perfectly manicured nails. I would rather drink gasoline then pump it myself.

2. Paying for gas. When did it become so expensive for a tank of gas in the US? That must have happened somewhere between my life in London, in _________, ________, ________and now in Kuwait. I don't want to spend my money on gas when it's so cheap in Kuwait.

3. No grocery car service. What do you mean I have to actually get out of my freaking car to buy milk, juice, cokes or candy? It's humid outside and I don't want my hair to frizz. Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

4. I have to drive the speed limit. That's ridiculous! I drive as fast as I want in Kuwait and I can see the cameras in plenty of time to slow down. No cop here has ever pulled me over except to ask for my number. In the US they setup speed traps and hide. Sneaky bastards. Hate it!

5. Food Delivery. What do you mean I can't order fast food at 2 AM to my front door? I'm not going to risk my life in the US by driving to the drive-thru window that late at night. What happened to customer service for people with the munchies?

6. There aren’t enough coffee shops. I love my coffee and Kuwait seems to have a Starbucks on every corner. Not to mention they will bring it to your car if you call ahead. In the US I have to hunt one down that actually serves espresso and that's not a good way to start off my morning when I need my caffeine fix.

7. There aren't enough Middle Eastern Restaurants. It's almost impossible to find one outside of any major US city. I'm a hummus addict so I have to carry some with me and inject myself at least twice a day with a syringe.

8. There are very few handsome, Middle Eastern men with dark hair, brown eyes and bronzed skin. Yep, no dishtasha in sight. You rarely see Arabs where I live and if you do he is usually old enough to be my Dad. I don’t want to look at pasty white, blonde or redheaded men with freakishly blue eyes. I want my exotic eye candy!

9. Women are not encouraged to dress modestly. *Screams* It's not unusual too see big women in hot pants and tank tops while shopping at Wal-Mart. My eyes!!!

10. There are no high-end salons that do the Brazilian. Every girl knows that the trick to a pain free Brazilian is constant maintenance. You have to go at least once a month so there isn't much there to cause you extreme pain. This translates into doing it yourself when you visit the US and believe me you don't want to go there. Hot wax isn't for sissies!

*Warning ~ sense of humor required

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